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Worcester PPE finalists following a formal dinner at Nuffield College. From left to right: Naomi, Anne, Zach, me, Luke, Clare, and Anne-Marie.

Photo credit: Laurin Weissinger.

I am highly committed to my students' success and personal growth, and the continuous evaluation and refinement of my pedagogy. Please read my teaching statement. In recognition of my work in the classroom I was named a finalist for the 2018 Most Acclaimed Lecturer Award, presented by the Oxford University Student Union, the only doctoral candidate to be recognized.

Graduate courses

Politics of Policymaking.

Seminar Leader. (Convenor: M Tudor)

Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University

A required course for Master's of Public Policy students of the Blavatnik School of Government, Politics of Policymaking examines political, institutional, and behavioral impediments to the policymaking process across a range of policy issues and bureacratic environments. This course equips students to be better agents of change by diagnosing these common challenges, identifying potential solutions, and devising strategies to implement the best policy among available options.

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Research Design & Methods in International Relations.

Teaching Assistant. (Convenors: D Snidal, S Western)

Department of Politics and IR, Oxford University

A required course for first-year M.Phil. candidates in international relations, Research Design and Methods in International Relations provides an overview of the mainstream approaches to research  familiarizes students with debates and controversies in the field. It equips students with the ability and skills to undertake research projects, including research design, theory building, derivation of hypotheses, choosing appropriate methods to test hypotheses,   and different ways of gathering empirical material.


International Politics I, II, and III.

Tutor. (Convenor: J F Drolet)

Diplomatic Studies Programme, DCE, Oxford University

This course serves graduate students (generally mid-career diplomats) in the Department of Continuing Education's Diplomatic Studies Programme. International Politics is a three-term course of study providing students a rigorous introduction to mainstream and peripheral approaches to international relations, the leading methodologies of the field, and their applications to a range of contemporary policy areas, including transnational terrorism, civil conflict, climate change, global public health, and energy.

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Undergraduate courses

International Relations 214.

College Lecturer in International Relations

Worcester College, Oxford University

Intended for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) students and History of Politics (HP) students, IR 214 provides a broad overview of International Relations. It introduces students to the most important concepts, theories, and analytical tools in the field, and to the key developments in the history of the international system since the end of the Cold War. It is intended to dovetail with work for the three optional papers in IR: International Relations in the Era of the Two World Wars (212); International Relations in the Era of the Cold War (213); and International Security and Conflict (297).

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Political Analysis I (Quantitative Methods I).

Lab Instructor and Teaching Assistant

(Convenors: A Eggers, A Ruggeri)

Department of Politics and IR, Oxford University

Political Analysis I is a required course for first-year PPE and HP students at Oxford. It introduces students to statistics and quantitative methods as tools of scientific inquiry. Students learn how to understand and describe data using descriptive statistics in the first two labs and begin estimating empirical relationships using bivariate and multivariate OLS regression in the final two labs.

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Political Analysis II (Quantitative Methods II).

Lab Instructor and Teaching Assistant

(Convenors: A Eggers, A Ruggeri)

Department of Politics and IR, Oxford University

The study of politics requires assessing claims about the relationships among political actors, political institutions, and societal outcomes. Political Analysis II helps students critically assess claims made in academic literature and build the skills necessary to analyze these relationships themselves through the use of quantitative analysis and statistical inference. Lectures and labs cover the following topics: model specification, interaction effects, experiments, statistical inference, model diagnostics, interpretation of regression results, and logistic regression.

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